The Tower Handbook

16 – Full list of questions

1: How to use the book  . . 1

2: Further information . . 3

3: Good habits . . 10

3.1: Safety . . 10

3.2: Be Prepared . . 21

3.3: Pride and standards . . 24

3.4: Good striking . . 26

3.5: Hospitality . . 29

3.6: Housekeeping . . 31

3.7: Record keeping . . 32

3.8: Thinking of others . . 33

4: General ringing knowledge . . 34

4.1: Ringing history . . 34

4.2: Ringing customs . . 40

4.3: Change ringing . . 43

4.4: Words and names . . 47

5: How things work . . 50

5.1: Striking . . 50

5.2: Effects of weather? . . 54

5.3: Go of the bells . . 56

5.4: Ropes . . 57

5.5: Stays . . 62

5.6: Towers . . 63

5.7: Bells . . 66

6: Useful things to have . . 70

6.1: Furniture . . 70

6.2: Creature comforts . . 71

6.3: Being organised . . 73

6.4: Practicalities . . 75

6.5: Handbells . . 79

6.6: Teaching aids . . 79

6.7: Trophies . . 83

7: Tower organisation . . 85

7.1: Objectives . . 85

7.2: Officers . . 86

7.3: Roles in the Tower . . 90

7.4: Meetings . . 93

7.5: Legal responsibilities . . 95

7.6: Insurance . . 97

7.7: Finances . . 98

7.8: Constitution . . 101

7.9: Example constitution . . 102

8: Relationships outside the tower . . 105

8.1: The tower and the church . . 105

8.2: The tower and the neighbours . . 107

8.3: The tower and the community . . 109

8.4: Organising a tower open day . . 111

8.5: Visiting other towers . . 114

8.6: Local ringing organisations . . 115

8.7: Ringing meetings . . 117

8.8: Striking competitions . . 119

9: Practical tower management . . 122

9.1: Developing and sustaining a band . . 122

9.2: Recruitment . . 125

9.3: Running practices . . 129

9.4: Ringing for services . . 138

9.5: Wedding ringing . . 144

9.6: Muffled ringing . . 147

9.7: Outing . . 149

9.8: Social events . . 151

9.9: Fund raising . . 153

10: The learning environment . . 154

10.1: The tower and bells . . 154

10.2: The band . . 155

10.3: The family . . 156

11: Teaching . . 158

11.1: Structured approach . . 158

11.2: The teacher . . 162

11.3: Teaching handling and bell control . . 164

11.4: Teaching raising and lowering in peal . . 178

11.5: Teaching speed control . . 180

11.6: Teaching to ring with others . . 183

11.7: Teaching to ring called changes . . 185

11.8: Teaching method ringing . . 189

11.9: Teaching ropesight . . 193

11.10: Teaching rhythm and good striking . . 197

11.11: Teaching listening . . 200

11.12: Teaching conducting . . 203

12: Helping . . 205

12.1: Filling in . . 205

12.2: Standing behind . . 207

12.3: Looking after a touch . . 211

13: Learning . . 213

13.1: Learning to handle a bell . . 213

13.2: Learning to ring with other ringers . . 218

13.3: Learning to ring rhythmically and strike well . . 221

13.4: Learning to listen . . 224

13.5: Learning ropesight . . 225

13.6: Learning call changes . . 231

13.7: Learning dodging and hunting . . 235

13.8: Learning to ring simple methods . . 239

13.9: Intermediate method learning . . 244

13.10: Advanced method learning . . 250

13.11: Learning calling and conducting . . 259

13.12: A lifetime of learning? . . 269

14: Maintenance . . 271

14.1: Frame . . 271

14.2: Headstock . . 274

14.3: Bearings . . 277

14.4: Wheels . . 279

14.5: Stay . . 280

14.6: Pulley . . 283

14.7: Clapper . . 284

14.8: Rope . . 287

14.9: Bell . . 295

14.10: Sound control . . 298

14.11: Safety . . 300

14.12: Miscellaneous . . 302

14.13: Symptoms and what to check . . 306

15: Glossary . . 309

15: (Diagrams) . . 361

15.1: Method construction . . 361

15.2: Blue line . . 363

15.3: Setting out compositions . . 366

15.4: Clock face tapping . . 367

Terms listed in the index refer to the main body of the text (sections 1 - 14). Terms that only occur in the glossary (section 15) are not included in this index.

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